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LogiCon’s tracking services take account of all the event variables carriers make available and curate the outputs for ease of presentation & understanding. Tracking, for LogiCon is not simply a shipment status or event list we cover the full cycle of activities that may result from an order including: returns, recalls, service failures, claims & customer feedback. We configure:

Tracking is somewhat of a science when incorporating many different statuses, tens of thousands of carriers across the globe and many different languages. We have to factor shipment origination, language, different status meanings, categories of events, whether the consignment is on an outward or return journey, transiting, hub handling or other event such as adverse weather or industrial action.

LogiCon is able to therefore supplement a carrier’s data along with client information & external data impacting transit or delivery.

Tracking does not stop on delivery as we may be tracking a return or instigating a recall or be ‘digitally’ handling a cash-on-delivery order or processing a claim for loss or damage.

Further, we may be supplying & managing tracking devices –  micro-devices for tracking parcels, pallets or containers. We can also detect temperature changes, tampering or weight loss / gain. We also have tracking software for mobile devices.

Finally and not least, LogiCon has movement reporting tools including predictive analysis now supplemented by AI.


We map and translate status end points and provide event description detail. Hyper-link to carrier’s ‘live’ information available as a default.

We supply tracking devices and mobile tracking software for iOS and Android devices. We can ‘digitalise’ a package, driver or a fleet.

The LogiCon finance module has ‘tracking’ services for cash-on-delivery, insurance and claims handling – in addition to a whole suite of pricing, quotes, cost comparisons and so on. All access points are ‘tracked’ building ‘intelligence’ capabilities for clients.

Powerful analytical tools with optional automation functionality and with predictive capabilities to optimize systems relying on up to date tracking information. We can include auto reprogramming of delivery schedules and allocating costs.


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