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Our Team

LogiCon team leaders coordinate all client activity and liaise with our consultants, developers and industry experts to provide a seamless experience for you.

LogiCon has a collaborative approach when engaging with prospective clients. Our team leaders ensure we listen and understand prospective clients’ business requirements, objectives and future plans.

Once our team leaders have scoped the client’s initial brief they share the outline with the initiation teams and introduce them to the client’s team. 

Once the working framework is secured the first of many exciting development stages is launched.

We look to:

LogiCon is fortunate to access not only technical expertise for each and every application but also extensive industry knowledge and expertise from within LogiCon as well as from a panel of advisors and consultants. The depth and breadth of business intelligence we can provide with our teams is limitless.

We aim to propel our clients along the digital super-highway.

Your business in our hands. we are:
100% Accountable
Contact us for a no obligation free consultation.
Our Teams like our software are
Creative & Flexible enabling our clients to be:

Explore the richness of your own ‘digital’ eco-system facilitated by streamlined workflows to support & energise your business allowing you to pursue exciting new commercial initiatives


Powering your staff, business, clients & suppliers to push the boundaries and springboard your business to new heights. There are no barriers only windows of opportunity on the digital superhighway.